For this event NEWROCKIES provided Utah Troop 980 with a simplified version of the PRO Module’s design that they could build on their own. Building a GM Passkey Bypass was a perfect fit for their Electronics Merit Badge and the only way to save an old friend! We are so grateful to the Scout Master Benjamin Warren, from Utah, for this letter and we thank him and the Troop for their valiant efforts, and for permission to publish their story and fantastic photos! It’s scary
How I removed the PassKey system and saved my Buick in a weekend
And here comes me, happy as a lark, no money in my pockets, a job waiting for me every morning and the only things I owned were my family and my car. And I didn’t know anything about GM immobilizers and anti-theft systems. With a coffee in my hand and my head in the clouds (or vice-versa I don’t remember…), I get out in the morning breeze ready to face my new day, but just in time to discover that my 95 LeSabre that always